Mission • Vision • Values

Mission: People Power.

Riser Group LLC exists to empower people through education for action to eliminate inequity.

Mission: Life Support.

The actions that we take to reduce or eliminate harm must also be in the interest of sustaining and enhancing systems of life on planet earth.

Vision: No Masters.

Riser Group LLC envisions a world where each person’s value to the community is assumed, elicited, and celebrated. Understanding that everyone has knowledge, experience, skills, and insights that can contribute to a healthy community; and that different situations call for different responses, we therefore strive to contribute to building a world where everyone is prepared to lead when the time is right.

Values: We Need Each Other.

No one person has all of the pieces to heal the many harms of the world. We recognize our individual incompleteness with humility. We seek wholeness in community with others. We listen to learn from one another, and we act in the service of healing and wholeness.